Monday, January 09, 2012

Mindful Connections: It is time

It is time …
It is time to shift our focus from needing the attention to giving attention, needing healing to providing healing, approaching the horse through our wounds to wanting to heal theirs.
Horses have been in service to humankind for century after century. Building our roads, logging our woods, fighting our wars, the horse has patiently and diligently helped us evolve. In more recent times the horse has become less utilitarian and more recreational and status enforcing. Nowadays, the horse is part of humanities self-inquiry, therapy and personal healing process. The willingness to reflect back to humans what the horse is faced with provides tremendous help and support for the individuals’ development.
Yet I wonder, what are we doing for the horse? Who is in support of their well-being? Horses have physically adapted to the inadequate housing and keeping arrangement of most domestic settings, mentally adapted to the predatory approach by humans, emotionally submitted themselves to the ongoing domineering and fight for, or lack of, leadership, all while being spiritually broken down for the sake of service. Are we just so used to their kindness and willingness to adapt that we don’t feel for them, of them?
Why, I wonder, do only a few people see the opportunity for all to be well and wholesome?  If we were to take care of the horse, if we were tuning in to the intrinsic need of both, human and horse, to connect mindfully, heart to heart, humanity, the world, would be such a better feeling place.
As I heal the wounded carriage horse, I expand my wisdom.
As I preserve the spirit of the young horse, I expand my abilities to guide and learn.
As I see life through the herd leaders eyes, I understand his role and responsibility for the herd’s wellbeing, and thus I support him by putting my needs second.
As I am mindful with the horse, I become mindful for all.
I believe if humans take care of the soul family of the horse, they will be changed too. They will be lighter, more knowing.
When you see through their eyes, feel of their body, connect spirit to spirit, healing occurs naturally.

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